Panzergruppe Intel Assessment 28 December 1941

Enemy Behaviour 28 December 1941:

22nd Armoured Brigade, which advanced via El Haselat in the direction of Um Confus was thrown back on El Haselat by a counter-attack of Battle Group Cruewell. During this engagement 58 tanks, as well as numerous armoured cars and other combat vehicles were destroyed.

Situation as yesterday at 22nd Guards Brigade and 7th Support Group. Command Staff 13 Corps ascertained area Msus. Radio interception could no longer ascertain Command Staff 7th Armoured Division. Since 4th Armoured Brigade has been relieved a few days ago, and 7th Armoured Brigade has not been active for a longer period of time, it follows that the mass of 7th Armoured Division is no longer in the area of battle.

7th Indian Brigade has arrived. According to radio intercept it has to be expected that the Polish Brigade will be brought up to the area of Solluch.